How it's NOT about keeping the gun on the developers and targeting the business owners.

The traditional approach to developer marketing has been focused on coercing developers and targeting budget owners. However, this approach often leads to mistrust and a lack of investment from the very people we're trying to reach.

Imagine you're a member of a team tasked with launching a new product or raising awareness to a group of developers. Your team has a goal to achieve a high number of sales, and the traditional approach has always been to focus on the budget owners who hold the purse strings and make the final purchasing decisions.

The assumption is that if you can convince the budget owners to buy your product, then the developers will have no choice but to use it. However, this approach doesn't always work in today's software development landscape, which involves a complex buying process with multiple stakeholders who have differing priorities and needs.

Instead, a collaborative approach is needed, one that focuses on understanding the complex buying process and working collaboratively with developers, decision-makers, and budget owners.

How to build trust with developers
Many companies are now investing a lot of time and effort in building compelling community programs and scaleable advocacy programs for continued success.

By building trust and relationships with all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process, we can create a more effective marketing strategy that benefits everyone.

This approach is not about pointing guns at anyone, but rather about creating a dialogue with developers, actively listening to their feedback, and taking their concerns seriously. By involving budget owners in the collaboration process, they can provide valuable insights into the company's overall strategy, budget constraints, and goals.

In this article, we'll explore why a collaborative approach is more effective, and how we can build meaningful relationships with developers, other decision makers and budget owners.

The challenges in developer marketing

  1. Trust: developers often view marketing messages with skepticism, as they are used to being targeted with aggressive or irrelevant marketing. Building trust with developers is crucial to ensure they engage with marketing campaigns and are invested in the success of the product.
  2. Education: developers are experts in their field, and they require accurate and detailed information about the product's features and functionality. Marketing materials that are too high-level or lack technical depth can fail to engage developers and may even be seen as insulting.
  3. Budget constraints: budget owners often have competing priorities, and developer tools and services can be a tough sell when compared to other business expenses. Convincing budget owners to allocate funds to developer tools can be a significant challenge.
  4. The complex buying process: the software development buying process is complicated, and there are often multiple decision-makers involved, from developers to budget owners to CTOs. Understanding the needs and motivations of each stakeholder and how to build relationships with them can be a significant challenge for marketing teams.

Your guide to developer marketing
Developer marketing involves techniques and strategies aimed at raising awareness, driving adoption, and boosting the championing of SaaS platforms, tech solutions, etc. Peer validation is incredibly important in developer marketing, as is the relationship between marketers and developers.

Section 1: Understanding the complex buying process

The buying process in developer marketing is complex and involves various stakeholders with different roles and responsibilities. To create a successful marketing strategy, we must understand each stakeholder's role and how they contribute to the decision-making process.

It involves identifying and mapping out the different stages of the buying process and identifying the key decision-makers.

By understanding the complexities of the buying process, we can build more effective marketing strategies that involve all parties and create a sense of collaboration.

We'll discuss the importance of building relationships with decision-makers, budget owners, and developers and how they all play a vital role in the buying process. By doing so, we can create a more targeted and relevant marketing approach that leads to more successful product strategies.

Buying process

From initial awareness to product adoption, there are many stages involved, each with their own set of developer personas and decision makers. By understanding each stage and the personas involved, developer marketers can create a more effective strategy that involves all parties and encourages collaboration.

The first stage of the buying process is awareness. During this stage, potential customers become aware of the product and its features. The personas involved in this stage are typically developers who are seeking a solution to a specific problem.

As a developer marketer, you can help by creating targeted marketing campaigns that focus on the features and benefits of the product, highlighting its unique selling points.

The next stage is consideration. At this point, potential customers are evaluating different solutions and comparing them against each other. The personas involved in this stage are developers, as well as decision makers such as project managers or IT directors.

You can help by creating content that addresses the specific pain points of these personas and demonstrates how the product can solve their problems.

How to nail pain points for your target developers
Developers don’t hate marketing, they hate pages of irrelevant information.After all, they are making technical decisions. They need to know the specifics of what you do, how you can help and if you’re the right fit.

The third stage is the decision stage. At this point, potential customers have narrowed down their options and are making a final decision. The decision makers in this stage are typically budget owners who are responsible for approving the purchase.

Help by creating persuasive content that highlights the value and ROI of the product, making it easier for budget owners to approve the purchase.

The fourth stage is implementation. During this stage, the product is being implemented and integrated into the customer's existing systems. The personas involved in this stage are typically developers who are responsible for the implementation.

As a developer marketer, you can help by providing resources and support to ensure a smooth implementation process, such as documentation and technical support.

The final stage is adoption. At this point, the customer has successfully implemented the product and is using it on a regular basis. The personas involved in this stage are typically developers who are using the product, as well as decision makers who are monitoring its effectiveness.

As a developer marketer, you can help by creating content that highlights the success stories of other customers who have successfully adopted the product, demonstrating its value and effectiveness.

By understanding each stage of the buying process and the personas involved, developer marketers can create a more effective strategy that involves all parties and encourages collaboration.

This collaborative approach can lead to a more successful product launch and ultimately, increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Stages of Buying Process

Personas Involved

Decision Maker in That Stage

How Can You Help as a Developer Marketer



Technical Leads

Provide educational resources, such as blog posts, tutorials, and webinars, that showcase the value of your product.



Technical Leads, Project Managers

Share case studies, whitepapers, and customer testimonials that demonstrate the benefits of your product in real-world scenarios.

Budget Owners

Budget Owners

Highlight the ROI of your product and provide clear pricing information that fits within their budget constraints.



Technical Leads, Project Managers

Provide free trials, demos, and product walkthroughs to help them make an informed decision.

Budget Owners

Budget Owners

Provide sales collateral that showcases the value of your product and how it aligns with their business goals.



Developers, Project Managers

Provide documentation, support, and training resources to ensure a smooth implementation process.

Budget Owners

Budget Owners, CTOs

Highlight the benefits of your product's implementation and its impact on their business goals.



Developers, Project Managers

Provide ongoing support and resources to ensure successful adoption and integration of your product.

Budget Owners

Budget Owners, CTOs

Highlight the success stories and ROI of other customers who have adopted your product.

Section 2: Building trust and relationships with developers

Developers play a critical role in the complex buying process, as they are the ones who evaluate and recommend products to decision-makers. That's why it's important for developer marketers to build trust and relationships with them.

What makes a developer marketable?

There are a few key things that make a developer marketable. Firstly, developers need to understand the latest technology trends strongly. They must constantly learn and keep up to date with the latest advancements.

Secondly, developers must have a strong portfolio showcasing their skills and abilities. Effective communication skills are also critical, as developers must collaborate effectively with team members, stakeholders, and clients. They need to be able to work well in a team and be able to communicate their ideas.

How developers are gaining purchasing power

As software developers gain more experience and skills, they also gain more purchasing power within companies. This is because they can contribute more to developing new products and features, and their expertise is in high demand.

As a result, developers are increasingly playing a key role in decision-making processes within organizations.

This trend is driven by the ever-increasing prevalence of technology in our lives. To stay competitive, businesses must continually innovate and adopt new technologies. As such, they need experienced developers who can help them do this.

A few factors are driving this trend of increased developer purchasing power:

  1. The rise of open-source software has given developers more options and freedom when choosing their tools.
  2. The popularity of Agile methodology has placed a greater emphasis on collaboration between different teams, including marketing, sales, and development.
  3. The growth of cloud computing has made it easier for organizations to scale up or down their IT infrastructure as needed.

As developers gain more influence within organizations, marketers need to take note that developer marketing is about understanding what developers care about and creating content that helps them solve their problems.

Get into the developer mindset
In this article, Liz Moy talks about how to get into the developer mindset, which has helped her throughout her career to better communicate with developers.

Marketing tactics for connecting with software developers and measuring success

Developers are a unique target market and require a unique marketing strategy. The most effective way to market to developers is to focus on quality over quantity.

This means that you should focus on creating high-quality content that will appeal to developers rather than churning out large quantities of content that may not be as well-received.

Let's outline the best channels and methods for marketing to software developers successfully:

  1. Social media: using social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub is a great way to connect with software developers who might be interested in your product or service. Use hashtags to find relevant conversations you can join, or start your thread and include a link to your website or blog. You can also use LinkedIn's advanced search features to find groups of developers who work in your target industry or use specific technologies.
  2. Online forums and discussions: participating in online forums and discussion groups frequented by developers; many online forums and discussion groups are dedicated to software development topics. These can be great places to connect with potential customers and get feedback on your product or service. When posting in these groups, add value to the conversation rather than simply promoting your products.
  3. Attending trade shows and conferences: tradeshows and conferences provide an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with potential customers and build relationships with key influencers in the developer community. Attend events focusing on the tools and technologies your target market uses, and make sure you have plenty of business cards in hand!
  4. Advertising on websites and online magazines: many websites and online magazines cater specifically to software developers. These can be great places to advertise your product or service, as you know you'll reach an audience interested in what you offer. Make sure your ad copy and creative are relevant and targeted specifically at developers.
  5. Developing relationships with key influencers: identify key influencers (those who have a large following on social media or whose opinion is respected by their peers) in the developer community and reach out to them about featuring your product or service on their blog or podcast. These relationships can be extremely valuable in getting exposure for your business amongst potential customers.

Top 11 developer communities every developer marketer needs to know about
With so many fantastic communities out there, which one should you be spending time and energy in? Which dev community will help you learn more about your audience or find developer advocates that can champion your product?

Types of content that resonate most with software developers

When creating content for software developers, it is important to focus on quality, relevance, and originality. Developers are interested in well-written content that provides new perspectives on familiar topics.

They also appreciate interactive, visually appealing content that is easy to consume.

  • Focus on quality: make sure your writing is clear and concise and that your arguments are well-reasoned and supported by evidence. In addition, be sure to edit your work thoroughly before publishing it.
  • Make your content relevant to your audience: write about topics that interest developers, and provide insights that can help them in their work. When possible, include examples and code snippets to illustrate your points.
  • Strive to be original in your approach: bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to familiar topics. If you can make your readers think about a topic in a new way, you'll surely capture their attention.

How to measure the success of your marketing efforts?

To measure the success of your marketing efforts with software developers, you will need to track inbound leads, generate reports, and track the sales cycle. Additionally, you can conduct customer surveys and analyze website traffic to get an idea of which marketing campaigns are most effective:

  • Developing a system to track inbound leads is essential for understanding which marketing campaigns are driving results. You should create unique tracking links for each campaign and use these links on all your promotional materials. This will allow you to see how many leads are coming from each campaign and track conversions.
  • Generating reports is also important for measuring the success of your marketing efforts. You should generate a report at least monthly that covers key metrics such as website traffic, leads generated, conversion rate, and customer satisfaction. This will help you identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Tracking the sales cycle is another way to measure the success of your marketing efforts with software developers. It would help if you tracked how long it takes for a lead to become a customer and looked for ways to shorten the cycle. You can also track customer lifetime value to see how your marketing efforts impact long-term revenue.
  • Customer surveys are another great way to get feedback on your marketing campaigns. You can include a survey link in your email signature or website and ask customers how they heard about your product or service. This will give you valuable insights into which channels are most effective for reaching new customers.
  • Finally, you can analyze website traffic to understand which marketing campaigns drive results. Look at where visitors are coming from, what pages they view, and how long they stay on your site. This data will help you understand which campaigns drive the most traffic and conversion.

7 easy developer marketing metrics that reveal your campaign’s success
Which metrics should you track to measure the impact of your developer marketing campaign? In this article, we look at several key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics you should keep in mind in order to determine the success of your marketing strategies.

Section 3: Involving budget owners in the collaboration process

Why developers are not the only target audience

Developers are an important target audience for developer marketing; however, they are not the only ones. Understanding the decision-making process that leads to purchasing is essential to creating an effective marketing strategy. To effectively market to developers, it's important to recognize that they are not the only audience that matters.

While developers significantly influence the decision-making process, they often don't have the final say in purchasing decisions. In making the most out of marketing efforts, it is crucial to understanding the decision-making process and budget owners' role.

Here are some pointers for a comprehensive marketing approach that addresses the needs of both groups:

  • Understand the decision-making process: understanding the decision-making process is key to identifying other important stakeholders who need to be targeted. The role of budget owners in the decision-making process cannot be ignored, as they significantly influence the purchasing decision.
  • Recognize the role of budget owners: budget owners are responsible for allocating budgets and making purchasing decisions based on the company's overall goals and strategy. By neglecting them, marketing campaigns risk not being effective, as the products and services being marketed may not fit within the budget constraints or align with company strategy.
  • Market to both groups: it's important to tailor marketing efforts to both developers and budget owners to maximize the chances of success. It involves creating messaging that resonates with developers while also addressing the concerns of budget owners.

Marketing to developers will build brand awareness and generate demand, while marketing to budget owners will influence purchasing decisions.

Developers can provide valuable insights into the needs and preferences of the end-users and the overall direction of technology in the company. Still, budget owners hold the purse strings and have the final say in purchasing decisions.

By taking a more comprehensive approach to developer marketing, you can reach a wider audience and increase the chances of driving sales.

What are the different types of developers
To meet the new tech demands around the world (and to be able to keep innovating), developers tend to specialize and focus in certain areas, which is why you’ll find so many different types of devs.

How to reach the budget owner

When marketing to developers, it is also important to reach the budget owner and not to overdo this. The budget owner is the one who ultimately decides whether or not to purchase your product or service.

It would be best if you made a strong case for your product or service to reach the budget owner. This means focusing on the benefits of your product or service and demonstrating how it can help the company achieve its goals.

To make a strong case for your product or service, you need to thoroughly understand both the product or service itself and the company's needs. Once you have this understanding, you can craft a compelling message that will resonate with the budget owner.

Remember, the budget owner is looking for solutions that will help the company succeed, so make sure your pitch is focused on how your product or service can provide those solutions.

If you can effectively reach the budget owner and make a strong case for your product or service, you'll be well on your way to success in developer marketing. It's also important to have a solid plan in place for how you will reach the budget owner. This may involve researching the most effective channels for reaching your target audience.

With a little effort and planning, you can be successful in developer marketing. There are many ways to reach the budget owner, and the most effective approach will vary depending on the company and the product or service you're pitching.

However, there are a few general tips that can help you be successful in reaching the budget owner:

  1. Focus on how your product or service can help the company succeed.
  2. Make sure your pitch is focused on solving the company's problems rather than simply selling your product or service.
  3. Have a solid plan in place for how you will reach the budget owner. This may involve researching the most effective channels for reaching your target audience.
  4. Execute your plan with confidence.

How can developer marketers get the most out of developer communities?
In our State of Developer Marketing 2022 Report, we looked into developer communities to give you a treasure trove of intel you can use in your role. Here’s a sneak peek at what you get when you download your free copy of the report.

How to involve the budget owner

Involving budget owners in the collaboration process is crucial for the success of developer marketing efforts. Budget owners play a significant role in the complex buying process and have valuable insights into the company's overall strategy, budget constraints, and goals.

To involve budget owners effectively, developer marketers need to understand the pain points at each stage of the process and create assets that address those pain points.

For budget planning, developer marketers can provide product roadmaps and development timelines to give budget owners visibility into product plans. For budget approval, ROI analysis and competitor analysis can help justify the cost and priority of the product.

During the purchase decision phase, budget owners may lack technical expertise, which is where product demos, use cases, and technical documentation can be helpful. In the implementation phase, budget owners may face challenges with integrating the product with existing systems and providing training for their team.

Developer marketers can create implementation guides and offer support to help address these issues.

Finally, during the adoption phase, budget owners are interested in user engagement and product feedback. Developer marketers can provide user adoption metrics and channels for feedback to help ensure the product is meeting their needs and driving ROI.

By involving budget owners in the collaboration process and providing assets that address their pain points, developer marketers can create a more holistic approach to developer marketing that is more likely to generate demand and drive sales.


Pain Points

How Developer Marketers Can Help

Assets They Can Create

Budget Approval

Cost justification, competing projects

Provide data-driven analysis of the product's potential ROI

ROI analysis, competitor analysis

Purchase Decision

Lack of technical expertise, prioritization

Provide product demos, use cases, and technical documentation

Product demos, use cases, technical documentation


Integration with existing systems, training

Provide implementation guides and support

Implementation guides, training materials


User engagement, product feedback

Provide user adoption metrics and feedback channels

User adoption metrics, feedback channels

Section 4: From gunpoint to collaboration

Reorienting developer marketing from gunpoint to collaboration means building trust and relationships with the developers. This can be done by creating a dialogue with developers, actively listening to their feedback, and taking their concerns seriously.

When developers feel valued and heard, they are more likely to be receptive to marketing campaigns and feel invested in the product's success. Collaboration with developers also has significant benefits, such as gaining insights into market trends and feedback on product features, which can inform future product development.

However, it's important to remember that budget owners are also key players in this collaborative approach. They hold the purse strings and have the final say in purchasing decisions.

By involving budget owners in the collaboration process, they can provide valuable insights into the company's overall strategy, budget constraints, and goals. Building relationships with developers and budget owners can help create a more holistic approach to developer marketing that is more likely to generate demand and drive sales.

By working collaboratively with all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process, we can create a more effective marketing strategy that benefits everyone.

Best practices for effective developer marketing

To create effective developer marketing campaigns, following some best practices is essential.

  • Firstly, understanding the needs and preferences of developers is key to creating a product that resonates with them. This means staying up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and tools developers use.
  • Secondly, creating valuable and engaging content is a powerful way to build trust and a strong relationship with developers. Content could include tutorials, how-to guides, and best practices demonstrating the product's value and helping developers solve real-world problems.
  • Thirdly, building a community around your brand is an effective way to foster engagement with developers. This could include hosting events, sponsoring hackathons, or participating in online forums where developers congregate.
  • Finally, leveraging the power of social media can help amplify your message and reach a wider audience. Social media platforms can build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive traffic to your website.

By following these best practices and reorienting developer marketing from gunpoint to collaboration, companies can create effective marketing campaigns that build long-term relationships with developers and drive sales.

Case studies: Companies that have successfully reoriented their developer marketing approach

Several tech companies have successfully reoriented their developer marketing approach to focus on collaboration rather than coercion.

Here are few examples:


What They Did Differently



Established a developer evangelism program and focused on providing resources for developers to build and test their apps using Twilio's APIs.

Increased developer sign-ups and saw an increase in revenue.


Created an open platform and provided resources and support for developers to build integrations on top of their messaging app.

Attracted over 1,500 third-party integrations, which now account for over 65% of all messages sent on Slack.


Launched Salesforce AppExchange, a marketplace for enterprise apps built on their platform.

Has over 4,000 apps available on the marketplace, generating over $4 billion in revenue for developers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Created a comprehensive documentation and training program for developers to learn how to use their cloud computing platform.

Became the dominant cloud provider, with a 32% share of the market and $45 billion in annual revenue.


Offered a simple and user-friendly API for developers to integrate payments into their apps, and provided extensive documentation and support.

Became the leading payment processing platform for developers, processing over $350 billion in transactions annually.

NB: The statistics mentioned are rough estimates and may vary depending on when you check the websites.

In all cases, the collaborative approach has significantly impacted the companies' marketing success. By building trust and relationships with developers, these companies have established themselves as industry leaders and created a loyal customer base.

The lesson here is clear: instead of focusing on coercive tactics that put developers at gunpoint or solely targeting budget owners, companies should focus on building relationships with both groups to achieve long-term success.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the landscape of developer marketing is constantly evolving, and it's crucial for companies to adapt and rethink their strategies to effectively reach and engage with their target audience.

By embracing a collaborative approach that involves all stakeholders in the buying process, from developers to budget owners, companies can build more effective marketing strategies that lead to more successful product launches.

As developer marketers, it's important to remember that developers are more than just a means to an end; they are essential contributors to the product development process and their feedback and insights are invaluable.

Building trust and relationships with developers, creating a dialogue, and actively listening to their feedback are crucial steps towards creating a more receptive audience for our marketing campaigns.

By staying up-to-date on industry trends, understanding the nuances of the buying process, and continually refining our approach, we can better position our products to succeed in the competitive landscape.

Developer marketers are the voice for the customer and market; hence, we have the opportunity to push the boundaries of what's possible and create innovative campaigns that truly resonate with developers and drive business results.

In short, by rethinking our approach to developer marketing and embracing collaboration, we can unlock new opportunities and drive success for ourselves and our companies.

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