Convince your boss: Developer Journey Certified


Wanna map powerful developer journeys and get certified in our course, but are unsure how to ask your key stakeholders to pay for it? đź’µ

It can be scary to ask the upper echelons of your company to support your career development. However, we believe you shouldn't be deprived of the chance to expand your skill set.

Copy and paste this email below👇 (or download this doc), fill in the gaps, and pop it in your boss' inbox.

You'll be equipping yourself with the tools you need to succeed in engaging developers throughout product discovery.

Hey [insert boss' name],

I stumbled into the Developer Marketing Alliance’s Masters certification and think this could be a game-changer for us—so, I was wondering whether [insert company name] would be willing to offer any financial support?

The Developer Journey Certified: Masters is a curriculum that covers how developers find, evaluate, and take action on products, and provides strategies and best practices to help us meet our developers’ expectations.

If I enroll, I’ll be able to access fireside chats with experts from global brands, templates and frameworks I can bring with me to the company, coursework to help me cement the new knowledge I’ll get, and so much more!

I’d be able to pick the brains of the experts, and learn their tried and tested strategies—as well as define tactics that’ll work for our audience.

The course provides the tools we need to maintain an ongoing relationship with our developers, and I really believe it’ll help me—and the company—transform the way we approach developer marketing and growth.

There aren’t any other courses focused on the developer journey at the moment, so this would be a great opportunity to learn from the best.

So, purchasing the course would provide me with a platform to continue my professional development with a gold-standard L&D program.

You can find more information on their Developer Journey Certified: Masters here.

Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else from me at this stage. I’d love to discuss the opportunity with you further.


[Your name]